Monday, May 10, 2021

What Language Do We Use? (A piece for the May 21st newspaper)

 By now you should all have filled out your census. Did you get the short form or the long form? Like most others, our house got the short form. Even with 6 of us to list it only took 5-10 minutes to fill out. I was struck by how little information the short form asked for this year. I may be mistaken but I am sure that it has asked about more than names, ages and languages in the past. That being said, as one Facebook contact opined after filling it out: “how many different ways are there to ask what language I speak?”. At the same time, that made me start to think about language.

As people who are called to share our faith language matters. As people who are called to be communicators language matters. If we use language that only insiders recognize (jargon or acronyms for example) than we are not communicating clearly. If we use language that nobody uses anymore we are not communicating clearly. Language matters. What language do we use to share our faith?

Language matters, it matters a great deal. This is why more and more government documents are made available in a variety of languages – an e-mail from Alberta Health Services recently included a document in 9 languages. If we can not share a language our ability to communicate largely disappears. We know this when we are obviously speaking different languages (English or French or Cree or Tagalog for example). We miss it when we think we are speaking the same language but have different assumptions, because language changes with time. Are we sharing what is important to us in language that connects with the people we are talking to?

A story comes to mind. About 14 years ago I was at a conference. The speaker was talking about the history of hymn singing in the United Church. This was just after our new hymn resource More Voices had been released and there had been complaints that too many songs asked folk to sing in a “foreign” language. People really only wanted to sing in English because it was where they were comfortable. A friend of mine, who is a few years younger than me, said that she had been singing in a foreign language all her life. She is a native English speaker but was referring to the fact that many “classic hymns” use language that would be perfectly at home in the King James Bible or a Shakespearean play. They did not use language that was automatic to her. Could she understand them? Yes. But it was not her natural language.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. I have always called Pentecost the second most important event in the whole Christian Year. The story of Pentecost is told in Acts chapter 2. It tells of how the Holy Spirit came upon and into the disciples and moved them to start proclaiming the story of Jesus; his teachings, his death, his resurrection, to anyone who would listen. Without this event the church would never have spread far and wide, it would have been limited to a small group of insiders. One of the best elements of the story is that whoever heard the disciples proclamation heard it in their own language.

I have always imagined that God was acting like the Universal Translator in the Star Trek franchise in the Pentecost story. The Universal Translator is what allows all the different races in Star Trek to communicate freely. As such it is a big piece of helping keep peace in the galaxy. In the Pentecost story the Holy Spirit seems to do this for the people gathered in Jerusalem that day. Alas, that is not what happens in our everyday life. There is no Universal Translator. It is on us to make sure we are communicating clearly.

Thankfully the story of faith is easy to translate. The story of faith, the story of the God who created and loves us, the story of a God who seeks relationship with us can be told in many different ways. We can tell it in Shakespearean English, in beatnik poetry, or in hip-hop rhymes. We can tell it in any of the many languages on the face of the earth. I am sure it has even been told in Klingon! What we can NOT do, and claim to be interested in communicating, is insist that it can only be told in one language or in one way. We can not be so selfish as to insist that our language or our way of speaking is the way others have to speak.

What language have you been using to tell your story? What language might you need to use instead?

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