Monday, May 24, 2021

Looking Ahead to May 30, 2021 -- Trinity Sunday

 The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Isaiah 6:1-8
  • Psalm 29

The Sermon title is God Is.....?

Early Thoughts: Traditionally the Sunday after Pentecost is Trinity Sunday, which is the only Sunday of the liturgical year dedicated to a doctrine. Trinity Sunday is often seen as a time to try to understand why Christians understand God in a Trinitarian way -- which is a big challenge to do in one sermon.

Embedded in any discussion of the Trinity is a more basic question. Who do we understand God to be? How do we understand God? How do we picture or imagine or describe God?

Come to think if it, that also seems like a big topic for any one sermon.

Scripture ahs a multitude of images for God. Some of them might be: Creator, Destroyer, Parent, Warrior, Lover, Love, Hen, Wisdom, Spirit. Centuries of faith and tradition have added other images. I suspect many of us have our own favourite image(s) for God, often based on how we have experienced God's presence.

We need to spend time contemplating how we understand God. We need to spend time sharing with each other our images and pictures and metaphors for God. The danger lies when we want to insist that our image of God is THE image of God. We all benefit from a broader image, we benefit from the wide variety of ways to understand God.

SO how do you finish the sermon title? Who is God for you?

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