The Scripture Readings this week are:
- 2 Kings 2:1-12
- 2 Corinthians 4:1-7
The Sermon title is What Do You See?
Sunday's stole?
Early Thoughts: Of all the courses taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry I think I would most want to take Transfiguration. Transfiguration changes what we see. Or maybe it changes how we see?
Commonly on Transfiguration Sunday we read about Jesus on the mountain top with Peter, James, and John. This story pushes the disciples, and through them us, to see Jesus in a new, different way. There is a lot to talk about there. But it is not the only place in Scripture that we can be pushed to see things differently.
What/how we see is largely shaped by where we stand -- physically, mentally, philosophically, emotionally. Elisha has to be in the right physical mental and emotional place to see what God reveals as Elijah is taken up in the whirlwind. But because God is with him he can see through his grief and loss. He sees the event differently than the other prophets who stop on the other side of the river.
If we are to see clearly what God is doing in the world we need to see differently. We need to cast aside the veil that the world places over our sight. Or maybe more appropriately we need to let God pull aside the veil that we might be clinging to. Sometimes we are the ones that get in the way of seeing clearly.
In the end we have to see differently. We have to see past the whirlwind or the clay jars.. We only do that when God helps us.
Maybe then the tea cup will turn into a rat. Or the professor into a cat. Or the water into rum.
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