Thursday, August 31, 2023

September Newsletter

 Communities of inspirational worship....What does that look like? Sound like? Smell like? Feel like? I think truly inspirational worship touches many different senses, not just our ears.

It may in fact be a hard question to get one’s head around, so I have a different way of asking (it is always good to have a few different ways to ask about the same thing). If you could describe your ‘perfect’ worship experience what would it look/sound/feel/smell like? And is the answer to that question always the same or does it vary over time?

Full disclosure, I am not sure that my ‘perfect’ worship experience would necessarily look exactly like our standard United Church worship experiences. In fact I remember a discussion amongst a group of clergy many years (close to 20 now) ago where the question was asked “If you weren’t in leadership would you attend your worship service/church?”. At most there was a conditional maybe from some of us. All these years later I still ponder how best to answer that question.

To be honest a large part of me thinks that this edition’s theme is one where I need to do more listening and less talking. I may know what I find inspirational, but what does the rest of the community think? Then there is the very real fact that what Bill finds deeply moving Sally absolutely detests and what Carol comes to church to find is the last thing Frank is looking for. Sometimes as a worship leader and planner you know that you are having to juggle a lot of different styles and wants and needs.

At the same time this question is very timely for me. As my vacation drew to a close I found myself pondering if it is time to shake up our standard order of worship and, if so, how. DO we need more silence? Less silence? More interaction? More visual (I admit as a word person the visual rarely comes into my head as something to consider)? If worship is meant to inspire and strengthen us to live as followers of God’s Way then what is the best way to do that?

For me inspiration in worship can come from the music. It can come from the sermon (or maybe not). It can come from being in a safe place where I can allow my mind to drift and float and wander. It can come from the fact that there is a community of friends gathered together. It can come from prayers. AT eh same time, on some days any of those things can make the experience less inspirational. For me it often depends on the day and what stat I am in that day.

None of which helps me truly understand how best to build a community of inspirational worship....

In the end I think we keep trying things and hope that in the long-term balance people get what they need for spiritual sustenance. I don’t think any one worship experience will meet everyone’s needs. But I hope that over a period of weeks that does happen. There is a place for the tried and true, the traditional and comfortable. There is also a place for the different and new and even uncomfortable.

I announced last Sunday that I am adding a time for folk to answer “where have you seen God this week?” into the service, at least for a season. Will this add or detract from how we are inspired in worship? Time will tell. Are there other things that you would like to change about how worship sounds/feels/looks/smells? What do you think would inspire you?

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