Thursday, March 30, 2023

Looking Ahead to April 6, 2023 -- Maundy Thursday

 For Maundy Thursday this year we will be having a short, less formal, worship in the Friendship Room at 7:00. Communion will be served.

The Scripture we will hear this evening will be:

  • 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
  • Luke 22:14-23

Early Thoughts: For 2000 years we have gathered at the table of faith. For 2000 years we have broken bread and poured out the beverage (sometimes wine, sometimes juice) and eaten together.

The central weekend of the Christian Year begins with this meal, this remembering of another meal shared in an upper room. Before the arrest, before the trial, before the horror we pause to remember the God who sets God's people free. We pause to eat together and be refreshed.

As we gather on this evening there are a few things I want us to remember.

  1. this is the meal that unites us across the miles and throughout the centuries with other people who have chosen this path of faith.
  2. this bread and this drink may be a mere mouthful on this night but they remind us of the banquet that awaits us at the end of days, a time when folk will gather from many different places and traditions to eat together.
  3. the meal that lies beneath this meal is a reminder that God sets God's people free, and so is also a reminder that we need to avoid placing each other in bondage

May our gathering to eat and drink and remember on this evening strengthen us as we face the emotional roller coaster that the weekend will bring.

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