The Scripture Readings this week are:
- Psalm 146:5-10
- Isaiah 35:1-10
- Luke 1:46-55
The Sermon title is Rejoice! The World is Changing!
Early Thoughts: Joy to the World! The Lord is come! Mind you that seems also to carry the promise of a lot of turning the world upside down.
In the Gospel of John we are told that unless a seed falls into the ground and dies it will only remain a seed, but if it goes through death it becomes much more. When a seed is planted it is transformed. When a seed is planted what looked like barren ground can burst into life. Flowers can bloom. Joy abounds!
Our cause for rejoicing as people of faith is inextricably linked to God's ongoing work of transforming the world, transforming us. And yeah, sometimes the process of being transformed is really kind of difficult and painful and less than joyful.
Mary sings words that echo the Psalm reading, words about a world being turned upside down. Isaiah promises renewal and return and new life (flowers in the desert wilderness). Isaiah also talks about strengthening weak hands and hearts, about encouraging those who are fearful as this time of renewal breaks into the world.
This week we will light the candle of Joy. Paul once exhorted us to "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say rejoice". Our faith story is not about a world that is staying the same. It is the story of a world that is being changed, of values that run counter to what is generally considered common sense, of an invitation to let ourselves be transformed in mind, heart, and soul. And still we are called to rejoice.
Change is hard. Change is often nerve-wracking or terrifying. Often we try to avoid change, or at least to control it. But God invites us to embrace change that we can not control. God steadies our nerves and strengthens our trembling knees so that we can be transformed. And for that we will rejoice.
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