This week's Scripture Reading is John 2:2-11
The Sermon title is Mom Knows Best.
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Early Thoughts: Sometimes we need someone to give us a bit of a shove. Even Jesus did.
Normally when we talk about this story we talk about the incredible abundance of wine. I did the math once and it is hundreds of regular (750mL) bottles of wine. Everyone was sure the wine was running out and then BAM enough wine (and good quality wine at that) shows up to keep the party going for days [and the hangovers for a few days beyond that I suppose]. There is a lot of sermonic potential there. In a world where we are too often led to see life in terms of what we are lacking, what we don't have enough of it is always a good idea to remind ourselves of the abundance the lies right under our noses -- even if we have yet to recognize that it is there.
However there is one detail about the story that has always fascinated me. Jesus acts because he is pushed. Left to his own devices Jesus does not seem inclined to do anything. Even when it is suggested he should do something he is pretty clear he sees no reason why he should. "Not my problem" he says. Only when his mother (let's go with the other Gospels and call her Mary even though John leaves her unnamed) pushes harder does Jesus actually do anything. This leads to the miracle and the great abundance and the reason we remember the story.
But let us not forget Mary. Mary who sees a problem and looks for a solution. Mary who knows that Jesus can fix the problem and will not let him brush it off. Part of me wonders if under her breath she was muttering something like "stop partying with your friends, get off your butt and fix this problem". Jesus is unquestionably the focus of the story, the miracle of water into wine is the focus of the story. But none of it happens without Mary. Maybe mom does know best after all.
How many of us have only started to act because we have been pushed? Many call stories I have heard over my life have referred to someone who first asked "have you ever considered?". Those initial questions, those words of encouragement are often what push people into a variety of tasks and roles in life. sometimes we first hear them and we are sure we are not ready so we try to push it off, "not the right time" we say. So time passes and quite commonly the questions, the "you might want to consider"s, the "I think you would be good at"s keep coming. Eventually we might start to listen, we might even start to act on it.
How many times have those pushers/encouragers been mother-like figures in our lives?
Maybe that is one of the roles of eldership, to push people, to make suggestions, to point out possibilities we see in others. Maybe that is part of how we keep individuals and the community growing.
It can be daunting to make the suggestion. It can certainly be daunting to follow the prod given by another. There can always be a reason to keep quiet and/or remain inactive. But I think God challenges us both to be the prodder and the proddee. Maybe in that person who asks "have you ever considered..." God is speaking.
Will we choose to listen? If not now, when?
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