Monday, November 29, 2021

Looking Ahead to December 5, 2021 -- Advent 2

 This being the first Sunday of December we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. If you are joining us via YouTube you are invited to have bread and juice available so we can all eat and drink together.

The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Genesis 17:15-22
  • Psalm 78:1-7
  • Luke 1:39-45

The Sermon title is Trust, Surprise, Laughter

Early Thoughts: We continue talking about birth stories. This week we hear about the promise to Abraham and Sarah finally being fulfilled. Well maybe it is more accurate to say that we hear about the promise being renewed -- with a fairly firm date about the when it will actually come to pass.

As people of faith we are part of a family. We are part of a family that stretches back to Sarah and Hagar, forward through Elizabeth and Mary, all the way to the people that we meet when we are walking down the street. The babies we hear about in our Advent readings this year are a part of that family.

Sarai/Sarah was well past the age where child bearing was a possibility. Could she bear a child at her age? Abraham found the idea laughable.  Were they still able to trust in the promise? Other parts of the story tell us that Sarah found the concept a bit laughable as well. But surprise of surprise, it happened -- and they name the child Isaac, which means laughter

Elizabeth was also well past the age where pregnancy seemed possible when she found herself with child. And then here young cousin, pregnant too soon, arrives. When the two babies draw near to each other the child Elizabeth carries dances for joy. Surprises again. Laughter and joy. Trusting in the promise.

What does it mean for us to name that these people are a part of our family? What does it mean to say that these mothers, these powerful mothers are a part of our lineage?

Then there is Ishmael, son of Hagar, almost forgotten child of Abraham. At least Abraham still remembers and cares for Ishmael in this passage, even as the story is busily pushing the child off to the sidelines. The forgotten and pushed aside children are a part of our family story as well.

How do we tell the family story this Christmas season?

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