The Word Made Flesh
In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with
God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one
thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and
the life was the light of all people. And the Word became flesh and
lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a
father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-4, 14)
I have
an uneasy relationship with the Gospel of John. For years it was my
least favourite of the Gospels, but I have to admit that I have
always loved this opening.
For the
writer of John, Jesus is the physical incarnation of The Word that
was around at the beginning of time. John has no nativity story
because John does not need one. For John the second person of the
Trinity has been around forever, but in Jesus of Nazareth The Word
became flesh, The Word shared our reality, The Word entered the world
in a wholly different way.
my favourite Christmas album from the time I was a teenager is a
Medical Mission Sisters album called Gold, Incense, and Myrrh.
All the songs on it were written by Miriam Therese Winter in 1971.
One of them is based on the Prologue of John’s Gospel. It includes
these words:
by the will of God himself,
the Word was with us, the Word was
He lived among us, side by side.
We saw His glory
far and wide.
He touched our race, full of truth and grace.
the beginning was the Word
me it captures the mystery of the Incarnation.
mystery of Christmas is, after all, the mystery of the Incarnation.
Why would the Eternal Word become flesh? Why would the Eternal Word
“live among us side by side”? The
Christmas story reminds us that God is not above getting down and
dirty with God’s people. The Incarnation shows us the extremes to
which God will go to connect with God’s people. In
Jesus of Nazareth God is trying a whole new way of leading God’s
beloved people, God’s beloved children, to live in The Way.
is a story I once used on Christmas Eve in Atikokan. A man sees a
flock of birds at risk of perishing in the cold. He knows that if
those birds sought shelter in the barn they would be safe. Nothing he
tries can entice the birds into the barn. Finally he realizes that if
only he could become a bird himself he could lead them into the barn.
Incarnation is God becoming one of us so that we can be lead to
safety. The Word becomes flesh so that God can meet us on our own
terms, sharing our reality, and so lead us into a new way of living.
That is why after all these
centuries we still affirm that “We believe in God.... who has come
in Jesus, The Word-Made-Flesh , to reconcile and make new” (The New
month from the day I write these words it will be Christmas Eve. We
will once again tell the story of a baby in a manger. We will once
again sing about angels and shepherds. We will remind ourselves that
to a peasant family in a backwater part of the Roman Empire hope and
love took the form of a helpless infant. Why? Because God loves the
world, because God has a hope for the world, because God wants to
lead God’s people into God’s Reign of Shalom. And God decided
that the way to do that was to become, as Joan Osborne sang many
years ago, “one of us, just a slob like one of us, just a stranger
on the bus...”
Christmas season, I invite you to ask what it means to you that the
Eternal Word, who was present at the beginning of time, becomes flesh
and walk around among us. I invite you to ponder what sort of God
would do such a thing. I
invite you to embrace the love shown by such a choice. Elsewhere in
John’s Gospel Jesus (the Word-Made-Flesh) will describe himself as
the Light of the World. And behold, the light shines in the darkness
and the darkness con not overcome it. The Word speaks into the noise
and the noise can not drown it out. The Word whispers into the
silence and fills it with echoes of hope and possibility.
is born at Christmas. God breaks into the world again and again. The
Incarnation changes us, changes the world, changes everything. Joy to
the World! The Lord is Come!