It is what some pundits call “silly season”. As Parliament draws near to its summer break there is a flurry of activity to get legislation passed by both House and Senate before MPs and Senators head back home. Over the last month a bunch of stuff has been passed (I just looked up both Commons and Senate activities). Two or three pieces caught my attention. One was this week when the House of Commons passed Bill C-10, legislation to ban conversion therapy, and sent it on to the Senate. I have been wanting such a bill to be passed for many years now and am happy to see it moving forward, we shall see if the Senate passes it before they recess for the summer.
The other pieces of business that jumped out at me were both passed by the Senate in June and given Royal Assent on June 21st, National Indigenous Peoples Day. One was Bill C-8, which adopted changes to the Citizenship Oath in accordance with one of the Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report. The other was Bill C-15, which mandates Canada to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. What all three of these pieces of legislation have in common is that they make clear statements about who we want to be as a nation. They speak to the question of how we can best support and love all of our neighbours.
As I sit at my computer to write this column it is a week before Canada Day. This will be a different type of Canada Day. In part that is because we are still coming out of pandemic restrictions at various speeds in different parts of the country. But there has been a new mood about Canada Day moving across the country this year. More and more people are asking serious questions about our history. In the light of the recent news about unmarked burials around Residential Schools we are forced to look seriously at our history and our present and ask if we are really the kind of country we want to be. Add in repeated news stories, including one I just saw pop up in my Twitter feed this afternoon, about racially-motivated assaults happening on a disturbingly regular basis and I have to ask: Who are we as a nation? Should Canada Day be marked with celebrations or with serious conversations about who we have been, who we are now, and where we go from here?
Are we ready to have those serious conversations? Are we brave enough to have them even if we claim we are not ready?
Earlier this week a colleague posted a Facebook comment asking what we mean when we say we are not ready for the hard conversations about what it means to be fully inclusive of those long defined as ‘other’. It is my opinion that we, as individuals and as communities, use the excuse of “not ready” as a way to delay hard conversations – often with the hope of avoiding them altogether. Sometimes we need to, as the saying goes, pull up our grown up pants and get on with it. I think Canada will never say we are ready to have hard conversations about our history of colonization (and how that colonization continues to affect our present relationships with Indigenous peoples), our history and current reality of racism, or how we treat our LGBTQ+ neighbours. Certainly if we think we can wait until everybody is ready for the conversations they will never happen. So let’s take a hard look at who we really are, at both our history and our present, and commit to taking concrete action to be a different community in the future.
This will not be a comfortable process. To be honest, many of us will want it to just go away. It will take longer than one or two election cycles. Many of us will get tired of hearing about it. There may be times it feels like our whole understanding of who we are as Canadians is under attack. So be it. Nobody ever claimed building a just and fair and loving society was going to be easy. But we can do it.
Earlier this month I preached on the story of Jesus calming the storm at sea. In that story Jesus asks “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”. When we remember that we are not alone we are able to do the hard scary things even though we are afraid. To live as citizens of God’s Kingdom requires us to be honest about our history and our present. But God is there to help us ride out the storm. And that is Good News.
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