Monday, March 22, 2021

Looking Ahead to March 28, 2021 -- Palm Sunday

This week is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. We have once again reached the pinnacle of the church year.

The Scripture Reading for this week is John 12:12-19.

The Sermon title is Clouded Triumph.

Early Thoughts: It s a moment of great joy.  Jesus enters the City with great acclaim.  But at the same time, in the background, there is a scheme hatching. Despite what I remember being taught as a child, Palm Sunday is not only a day of great joy.  It starts a week with one crowd cheering, a week that will later have another crowd jeering.

As John built his Gospel Jesus enters Jerusalem right after the raising of Lazarus. In John's Gospel the raising of Lazarus is the thing that puts the plot to get rid of Jesus into high gear. Keep that in mind as you read verses 17-19. I see fear and jealousy there. I see people who are running out of options as they want to maintain the status quo. Jesus consistently threatens the status quo.

In the next few verses Jesus will talk about a seed that has to die to bear much fruit. Jesus will talk again about hating life to gain life and loving life to lose it.  Jesus not only upsets the status quo, sometimes he upsets basic common sense!

The next week in the life of faith takes us from excitement to confusion, to fear and despair, and then -- when all seems lost -- to hope beyond all hope. This Sunday we may wave the branches high and shout and celebrate. But even as we do that forces are moving and gathering. A cloud is poised to cover the sun.  But clouds are transitory, the Son remains.


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