Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Advent Pastoral LEtter

 Advent candles burning bright
Gods love shown in flickering light
Love and Joy and Peace and Hope
It’s with God’s help that we can cope
Advent candles glowing fair
Driving out fear and despair

When the nights grow long and cold
Gods promise calls us to be bold
A promised child, with us to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
See the candles glowing there
Shining Gods love everywhere
(Untitled poem ©November 2006 Rev. Gord Waldie, Atikokan ON)

November 25, 2024

Friends in Christ,
Grace, Peace and Advent Blessings to all of you!

All of a sudden another year has gone by and we are starting Advent again. Once again we enter the time of lighting candles and looking for Hope Peace Joy and Love in the world around us. Once again we sing the carols and tell the stories. Once again we await God breaking into the world in the form of a helpless infant. What will the Advent journey bring us this year? How might God surprise us in this time of waiting and preparing?

I don’t know. God tends to reveal them-self in ways we don’t expect after all. But some things I do know.

I know that we at St. Paul’s will continue to open the door (or maybe a window) to let God come in. I know that we will continue to welcome all God’s Beloved Children to join us in worship, either in person or via YouTube, as we light candles, explore the Advent themes, and remind ourselves that Jesus is coming. I know that the CGIT and Explorers once again invite us to join them for the Vespers service at 7:30 on December 1st as a way to launch us into the Christmas Season. I know that on Christmas Eve many of us will gather in the sanctuary at 8:00 for a time of singing and storytelling as we celebrate the birth of the Word-Made-Flesh and hear again the words of the angel “for to you is born this night...a Saviour who is Christ the Lord”. These things I know. I just don’t know what God will do or reveal as we do all these things.

Like any community, we have traditions at St. Paul’s. One of our traditions is to highlight our Local Outreach Program during the Advent season. In the past this has meant collecting items to pass on to our partners. More recently we have made cash gifts to them. This year our Local Outreach fund has been a bit depleted which limited our options. We realized we could not support as many agencies as we had in the past. One of our long-time partners has been the Elders Caring Shelter and as they are an agency that tends to have less public support we decided that we would make a special appeal for funds to share with them. The other goal is to replenish the Local Outreach Fund so we can continue to provide grocery vouchers to our neighbours throughout the year. St. Paul’s has consistently showed itself as a very generous community and I thank you for that.

For many of us the Christmas season is a time of great joy and anticipation. For others it is a time of sadness and uncertainty. There are members of our community who feel quite strongly the absence of a beloved family member or close friend. There are some of our neighbours who will be stressed about the costs of trying to have a joyful season. Amidst the bright lights and the bouncy songs there is ‘blueness’. We need to make space for that. One way we do that is through our memory tree, where folk are invited to put a name or names on an ornament and add it to our tree. At the same time I encourage all of us, in our Advent and Christmas prayers to name the ‘blueness’ and uncertainty of the season and lift it up before God. Jesus comes into the world to meet us where we are and bring the assurance that God is with us in the bright lights and shadows, the loud joy and the quiet sorrow.

Each of my planned sermon titles for the four Sundays of Advent this year start with “Jesus Is Coming”. To me this is not only about preparing for a birth. Advent is a time to get ready for Christmas but it is also a time to make room for the Risen Christ who breaks into the world, and our lives, on a regular basis. Jesus comes into our lives, into the world, meets us where we are and invites us to be transformed. Jesus is coming to invite us to follow him into a whole new world. Jesus is coming to help us see the world through a different set of lenses. This Christmas season as we make room for Jesus to come into the world, into our lives, again may we keep our eyes open for Hope in a chaotic world, may we relax into Joy, may we allow ourselves to be refined for Peace, and may we sing of Justice and dance the steps of Love.

Have a Blessed Advent and Christmas season friends. May God surprise you with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love

A Possible Newsletter Piece (it also might make no sense)

Another Taste of Fruit...

How are you a generous person? How does generosity guide your decisions?

Yes I am making an assumption there but I believe that most people are in fact generous, at least most of the time. I believe that most people know that sharing is a good thing. After all it is that list of things we learned in kindergarten. Sharing, they say, is caring.

So how does generosity make an impact on your life?

I am going to suggest that for most of us generosity makes an impact both in the giving and in the receiving. When we share something it makes us feel better, but also when someone shares something with us it makes our lives richer. I also suggest that this mutual benefit then results in a spiral of generosity. We become more generous because we have been generous and because we have experienced others being generous.

And I think that for people of faith it all starts with God. We have been the recipients of God’s overflowing grace and love. If we sink into that Divine generosity I believe it changes our hearts and moves, pushes, cajoles, maybe even requires, us to pass it forward. As recipients of gifts we share them with the world around us. It is how we live into our calling to be citizens of a New World.

In the end the key to generosity is not, I think, in the stuff we share. It would be easy to turn a column on generosity into a column about what we have to share. But I don’t want to do that, largely because I find those columns become a little pushy. I think the key to generosity is the heart behind it. I think the generous spirit is more important than listing off all that we have shared (which sometimes sounds a bit like bragging anyway). I believe that God is inviting all of us to have a generous spirit and when we accept that invitation generosity can become part of our very being.

There is a certain aptness to talking about generosity at this time of year. It is called the season of giving after all. But I encourage all of us to be aware of generosity all year round. I encourage us to look at the world with eyes that see what is being shared. I encourage us to look at ourselves with eyes that see what has been shared with us. As I said above generosity breeds generosity. In today’s world we talk about things going viral, about the contagious effect of memes or TikTok dances. Let’s help generosity go viral.

I have always found that St. Paul’s is a very generous community of faith. I may even have bragged about it on your behalf more than once. Let us continue to be generous. After all sharing IS caring.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Looking Ahead to December 1, 2024 -- 1st Sunday of Advent, Hope

The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Jeremiah 33:14-16
  • Luke 21:25-36

The Sermon title is Jesus Is Coming, Seek Hope in Chaos

Early Thoughts: The world is a chaotic place -- and getting more so. In the midst of that chaos is a lot of fear and despair. In the midst of that chaos are wars and rumours of wars, or economic instability, or social unrest. All of that brings worry, or foreboding, about the future.  Will things get worse? Will everything fall apart?

In the middle of all this comes Advent. In the middle of all this unrest and chaos comes the promise of God breaking into the world -- either as a baby in a manger or as the returning Christ, come to change the world.

That is where our hope lies. Our hope is in the God who promises to be with us and promises to b an active force in the world. The days are surely coming....

To a large degree we see what we want to see. Or we see what we expect to see. Or we see what we are looking for. Which does not mean that what we see is not actually there. It does mean that we may not be seeing the whole picture. In the Gospel reading this week Jesus tells his friends to be alert and watchful so they would be ready and prepared. He acknowledges the hard things but still look for the signs of something else happening. Look out and recognize the signs that the kingdom of God is near.

Traditionally the first week of Advent we light the candle of Hope. Hope, I think is a vital commodity for human well-being. Hope is what keeps us moving forward. Hope is what keeps us from self-destructing.

The world is a chaotic place. There are lots of stories about what is going wrong. If we choose we may only see the problems and the chaos. Or we can choose to look for the hope. This Advent (and on into the next year) let us commit to seek signs of hope. Speaking through the centuries Jeremiah still tells us that the time is surely coming when the world will be changed. What new leaves are sprouting? Will we miss the hope and not be ready for the transformation?

Monday, November 18, 2024

Looking Ahead to November 24, 2024 -- Reign of Christ Sunday

The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
  • Psalm 93
  • John 18:33-37

The Sermon title is King?

Early Thoughts:
What does it mean to talk of God/Jesus as our king?

I think that is a question about authority and loyalty. I also think it might push us to reconsider how we currently assign those things.

Jewish  Scripture is, at best, ambivalent on the question of whether or not kings are a good thing for society. I think it in fact leans heavily to the side that human kings "like other nations" are not a good thing for the people of Israel. The people of God do not need a king like other nations because they already have a king to whom they owe total loyalty and from whom authority flows -- that would be God. At their best the human king is seen as God's anointed/chosen (sometimes, as in Psalm 2:7, also described as Son of God) and acting as God's surrogate.

In the Apocalyptic parts of Scripture we also find this insistence that God is the proper King, source of authority and owed our loyalty. When the world is changed then God will rule over the world.

And then we have Jesus. All three of our hymns this Sunday will have us singing about Jesus, the Messiah, as Lord and King. A relatively common Christian understanding of Daniel 7:13-14 is that it is talking about Jesus, particularly the Risen Christ. This is not a Constitutional Monarchy being discussed [which makes sense since the ancient world had no concept of a Constitutional Monarchy like we find in Canada and other nations today] but a King with full authority and power.

In a world where kingship has largely taken on a totally different understanding what does it mean to proclaim God/Jesus as Lord and King? In a world where we try to flatten the distribution of power where do we place authority? In a world where we are constantly told we have to be loyal to our country, or community, or 'our people' or even our church where does the Reign of God that extends beyond all human divides come in?

This is the final Sunday of the year, a day when we explicitly name that we are part of, and waiting for, the Reign of Christ/Kingdom of God. I think that taking that seriously means thinking seriously about things we largely took for granted in the days of Christendom.

In a Christendom world there were assumptions made. It was assumed that the king (or other form of government to some degree) was still God's chosen and anointed. Part of the coronation of Charles III included an anointing with oil by an archbishop. It was therefore assumed (generally) that the King was owed your loyalty and that to rebel was not only disloyal to the realm but an affront to God. This is part of why it was such a big deal that England and France (in different centuries) executed their properly installed monarchs.

I think assumptions are dangerous. Human kings and governments are prone to error, to say the least. AS we have move to different understandings of government and have moved out of a Christendom-defined worldview I think we can start to challenge some assumptions.

I think the first assumption is about loyalty.  We hear a lot about loyalty these days and are liable to hear a lot more.  President-Elect Trump showed during his first term and has continued to show that he expects his appointees to be loyal to him personally even when their role (and even their oaths of office) are to loyal to the US Constitution.  Sort of a modern-day equivalent of l'etat c'est moi (I am the state) from the days of France's monarchy. That is an extreme example but there have always been voices in many countries calling that people prove their loyalty in some way.

Maybe the voices are wrong. Maybe the ultimate loyalty for people of Christian faith is not to any country, political party, or leader. Maybe our loyalty is meant to be given to God and God's Reign/Kingdom first and foremost. Maybe our call is to be a citizen of God's Country/Reign/Kingdom first and a Canadian (or British or French or....) 2nd. 

The loyalty question leads almost automatically push us to consider authority. What does it mean to say that God has authority over us? Maybe the authority question, in a world where we are increasingly encouraged to claim our own personal autonomy and authority, is in fact the hardest part of seeing God/Jesus as king. Who or what does have authority to guide or direct us? To influence our decisions?  To tell us where we have gone wrong? Why do we grant them that authority?

Christian Scripture and tradition have long proclaimed Jesus, the Risen Christ, as our King (king of kings and lord of lords one might sing). Pilate passes on the accusation that Jesus is a king in opposition to Caesar (and Jesus sort of evades the question -- or at least moves it into a different realm, different type of kingdom). But Scripture and tradition have also proclaimed that Jesus is a different type of king, a Servant King who is among us "as one that serves". In this world what does it mean to talk about the Kingdom or Reign of God or Christ as King? How do we show we are loyal to God's Reign? Where do we cede authority to God?

ANd what do we do when the systems of power that govern our lives act in ways incompatible with our understanding of being a loyal citizen of God's Realm?

Monday, November 11, 2024

Looking Ahead to November 17, 2024 -- Proper 28B, 26th Sunday After Pentecost

The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Daniel 12:1-3
  • Mark 13:1-8

The Sermon title is Is the End Near?

Early Thoughts:
This past weekend I was thinking of a quote from the movie Hope Floats (which may make a re-appearance on the first Sunday of Advent when we consider seeking hope in the midst of chaos):

Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.

 It is my firm belief that really life is a series of endings and beginnings (with more than a few continuings thrown in for good measure). That can be both exciting and distressing. IT can lead us to explore a brave new world or it can lead us to weep and wail, to tear our clothes and mourn.

Maybe not this particular preacher

Our Scripture readings this week come from a genre of literature called apocalyptic. Apocalyptic literature often leads to discussion of the 'end times'. It is also not a part of Scripture that many United Church folks spend a lot of time talking about. Talking about the end times conjures up images of the street corner preacher with a sandwich board and a loud voice calling everyone to repent before it is too late.

However it is undeniable that talk about the end is a part of our faith story. In both the Jewish and Christian Scriptures there are predictions of what will happen when God transforms the world and what currently is will come to an end. So we really should talk about it at some point.

I see at least two things that need to be part of our discussions. First is to ask what we mean by 'near'. Scripture does not tell us how to know exactly what near might mean. The apocalyptic literature in Scripture can, and has, been used to describe almost every era of human life in the last 200 years. And given that Christianity talks about the coming of the Kingdom of God in terms of the 'now and the not yet' that is not really surprising. If God is, as I believe to be true, constantly at work transforming and changing the world the the end has come, is now, and is yet to be. So maybe near is not the best term to use unless your vision if of some cataclysmic event where everything will be changed in a flash.

The other question is based on remembering a couple of hymn lines: "In our end is our our time our death a resurrection", The Christian story of cross and empty tomb reminds us that endings open the door for a new beginning. I also remember that all good things come to an end, that nothing human is in fact meant to remain the same forever. Change is, as they say, the only constant. 

As God's Reign grows to full flower in the world some things must end so that the new thing God is doing can start to grow. Some things have to end so that others can begin. In a finite world, where energy and resources are limited, the only way to grow is to die.

So the end being near might be a good thing. It might be a cause for celebration as well as a cause for concern. Talking about endings may bring sadness as we prepare to say good-bye to something we hold dear. But talking about beginnings may bring hope and promise (as well as a bit of anxiety). As we celebrate the coming of the Reign of God the end is indeed near...but so is the beginning. Thanks be to God.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Looking Ahead to November 10,2024 -- Remembrance Sunday, 25th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper27B

The Scripture Readings this week are:

  • Psalm 146
  • Isaiah 61:1-4 
  • Luke 4:16-21

The Sermon title is Peace, A Transformed World

Our reflection prompt for this week

Early Thoughts: Peace. What does that look like? How do we get there?

One of the markers of the Reign of God/God's Kingdom (or Kin-dom if you prefer) is that this will be a time of peace and harmony. Isaiah and the other prophets point to this with images like the Peaceable Kingdom in Isaiah 11 or when both Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 talk about turning swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks and then going on to say "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more". In the Sermon on the Mount, as part of the Beatitudes, Jesus says that the Peacemakers will be blessed. 

The Reign of God is also a Reign of Peace. It is a transformation in how we live with our neighbour. It is a world where all has been changed. It is a time when the hearts and priorities of humanity have been transformed.

I am one of those people who believe that peace will never come from a show of strength. It does not come from the use of force to crush those who disagree. I believe that peace comes with justice (by which I mean social justice). Unless we have a just world we will never have a peaceful world.

All 3 of our Scripture readings this week echo this call and hope for justice. They share images of release and liberation, of healing, of God's special concern for those on the margins. This is the transformation the Jesus announces at the beginning of his ministry. Jesus is, in the Gospels, all about proclaiming that the Kingdom of God has come (indeed in Mark's Gospel that is precisely how he begins his public ministry). With Jesus God is at work bringing transformation to the world.

Next Monday we are invited to pause for 2 minutes at 11:00. In that pause we honour those who have been sacrificed by a world that does not yet know what peace could be. In that pause we recognize that the transformation has not yet happened, or at least has not yet been completed. Some days it seems unlikely that the transformation to a world where peace and justice are the rule and norm could ever happen. It would be easy to write it off as a utopian pipe dream.

Another CHatGPT creation

But we are called to be people of hope. We are called to remember that God is not done with the world yet, that God continues to work in, around, and through these often-flawed children that God loves. We are people of a dream, God's dream. In Scripture we see the stories of people trying to sort out how God would have them live. But we also see in Scripture a picture of what is possible. God proclaims that there WILL be a day when peace and justice are not only possible but a reality.

It will take transformed hearts and minds and souls. It will take a radical change in human priorities. It will look very different from how the world looks now. But it IS going to happen--someday.  Peace will break out. Justice will flow like a river. And we shall be living in the full-blown Reign of God.

May it be so.